Frequently Asked Questions
01 Can I Afford IncuBiz Marketing Group?
YES! You can. Especially if success is your goal. We make it affordable for you and work with your budget.
02 Do I own my website outright after it is finished and do I have access to its back end content management system?
Absolutely! You own the frontend, the backend, and the domain name. You own 100% of your site and we provide you with a video instruction guide that will help you manage your backend and make all the necessary updates to your site. Your site will also be dynamic in the sense that it will work well across the board, ranging from your smartphone to your tablet to your laptop desktop and even your Smart TV with 100% satisfaction guaranteed.
03 Do I have involvement in the creative process and development of my marketing program?
We involve you in every step of the creative process because your total satisfaction in your marketing program and the design of your advertising campaign is very important to us.
Our easy-to-use project manager makes it simple to work with us on your project and on your timetable whether you are next door or across the country. We provide to you an individual and private access where you can review your project and make updates 24/7.
We first start by doing a full analysis of your business and the marketplace your business is in. We then begin laying strategies and creating designs that incorporate those strategies.
04 Once my website is up, do I have access to make changes to it?
Absolutely! The content management system is easy to use, very intuitive, and user-friendly. With all of our clients, regardless of what they pay, we provide tutoring and or a video guide to walk you through all features you need to know to make updates to your site. We also provide three months of absolutely free tech support service, so you have nothing to worry about. Typically it only takes a few hours for someone to master what it takes to make updates and changes to their site.
05 Do you have payment options?
Yes! We make it affordable and attractive for everyone. We have budgets and payment plans to accommodate everyone from start-ups to corporations.
06 Will the site you build look and function the same on a smart phone or tablet?
The website we design for you will be dynamic and responsive. Meaning your website will work, look, and function the same on a tablet, on a smartphone, or any other standard mobile device. All websites we build are designed to be dynamic and scalable.
07 Will you guide us on how to maximize and increase our online presence and visibility?
Absolutely, we provide all our clients with both SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SEM (Search Engine Marketing) keywords and phrases and search engine registrations as well as develop your social media asset pages for YouTube, FaceBook, Twitter, and any other that would be relevant to your target demographic to help increase your visibility and online ranking on search engines. You can also contact us with your questions. In addition to our website articles, our newsletter will provide you with tips and information on staying competitive. We can provide you with a monthly SEO/SEM program to fully optimize your online presence.
08 What is my marketing ROI program?
Our marketing incubation training workshop is a comprehensive 6 session program to help you maximize the performance of your marketing and sales programs.
We start by determining what business you are really in. Our research shows that over 75% of small businesses know what they do, but do not know what business they are in.
We then state your business mission. Just stating the mission of your business, gives it a goal and dramatically increases your chance of success.
We then determine your USP. Your Unique Selling Proposition. What makes your business different? How are you a “me different” in a world of “me too’s”?
From there we build your strategic marketing programs and advertising material that will generate leads and drive your sales.